
Lær mer om HMS & Bedrifthelse – helt gratis

God arbeidshelse starter med å forstå hva som gir god arbeidshelse. Bli en mester på HMS ved å benytte deg av våre gratise ressurser.

  • Artikler
  • Webinarer
  • Verktøy
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Gratis webinar: HMS enkelt forklart

8 enkle trinn for å forstå HMS.

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Artikkel: Bedriftshelsetjeneste (BHT) & HMS enkelt forklart

En enkel guide til å forstå HMS og bedriftshelsetjeneste (BHT).

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Verktøy: Sykefraværskalkulator

Gjør en enkel utregning på sykefraværet på din arbeidsplass!

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Verktøy: HMS-sjekkliste

Finn ut om du oppfyller alle HMS-lovkrav!

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Artikkel: Hvordan redusere sykefraværet?

Lær om hvilke tiltak kan du gjøre for å redusere sykefraværet på din arbeidsplass.

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Artikkel: Hva er HMS?

Få en innføring i HMS og hvordan du kan videreføre det i din bedrift.

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Article: HMS Risk Assessment

Step-by-step guide for HMS risk assessment and what we, as a company providing occupational health services, can assist with.

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Article: Measures for reducing sick leave

Reducing sickness at the workplace with these simple steps.

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Who is required to have Occupational Health Service?

Find out who in required to have occupational health services and what the requirements are for your company.

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Artikkel: Internkontrollforskriften

Hva er internkontrollforskriften og hva trenger du å vite om den?

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Article: Work related stress

Enkle trinn og råd til hvordan du kan redusere arbeidsrelatert stress.

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Article: HMS-manual

What is HMS-manual and how to make one for your company

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Article: Labour Inspection Authority inspection

Find out everything you need to know about the inspection process.

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Article: HSE certification

Easy walk though of what HSE certification is and why it might be important for you organization.

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Article: What is Occupational Health Service?

Read about our step by sted guide on occupational health services.

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Article: Inspections by the Labor Inspection Authority

Easy step by step on how to prepare for an inspection from the labour inspection authority.

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Article: Systematic HSE Work

Best practice and examples on systematic HSE process.

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Article: What is an HSE card?

Find out everything you need about HSE cards is and who needs to have it.

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Artikkel: Manglende overholdelse av HMS-lovkrav

Quick explanation of the Non-compliance with HSE legal requirements and consequences.

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Artikkel: Hva betyr HMS?

Lær om hva som ligger bak begrepene Helse, Miljø og Sikkerhet.

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Artikkel: Optimal Avviksregistrering

Lær hvordan du skal bygge en verdiskapende avvikskultur i din Bedrift