

Et FSE-kurs er en opplæring rettet mot personer som utfører eller er ansvarlige for arbeid i nærheten av, eller med, elektriske anlegg og installasjoner.

  • Digitalt
  • Enkel gjennomføring
  • Lovpålagt å gjennomføre hvert år
sanity image
2+ hours
E-learning (digital)

By taking this course, you meet the requirements that the safety regulations set for companies. Our digital course covers all the subjects needed to ensure that the employees have the skills they need and are adapted to the regulations.

The requirement applies to both those who work with low and high voltage systems. The training must be repeated at least once a year. The course also includes training in first aid and special training in first aid for accidents caused by electric current.

The course can be completed on PC, smartphone and tablet as long as you have access to the internet. It is structured in modules with text and images. After completing the course, you will be issued a course certificate.

Dr. Dropin Bedrift also delivers first aid courses as required by DSB.

745,- per person (excl. VAT)


  • Course diploma
  • Course material

You can order for yourself or on the behalf others in the same company. The participant will receive an invitation to the course by e-mail immediately after ordering.
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